The Podcast Studio Glasgow

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Creating Bespoke Video Content in Glasgow

When you’ve set up your Podcast Studio in Glasgow to create the best possible audio and video podcasts, it makes sense to also use the space to make bespoke videos for any sort of marketing.

We were approached by marketing expert, and author, Gordon Black, to work with him to create a 6-part video-on-demand series on e-commerce. He originally planned to simply record each session on his laptop using the built-in camera and mic. Let’s be honest, we’ve all become accustomed to seeing “Zoom quality” video content over the last 3 years. However, we pitched the idea of using the studio and all of our video, lighting, and audio gear to produce a video series to truly be proud of.

We even worked with him to create a short promo video to showcase the course and help generate sign-ups.

The day the promo video launched saw the course receive a 30% increase in sign-ups.

Anyway, the point is, the Podcast Studio Glasgow is here, not just for your podcast needs, but all of your video content creating needs. Quick sidenote, we have a client booked in this week who’s using the studio to shoot TikTok videos on a green screen.

So, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to give you a tour of the space an work with you to create the best video content!