why your podcast needs to have a video component

If a podcast is principally audio distributed via an RSS feed (and it is), then why should you consider having a video component to it?

Listen, if you’re not comfortable having yourself seen on video on YouTube and TikTok, then that’s understandable! But there are some advantages to including some sort of video component to your podcast.

why having a video component to your podcast can be a game changer

Now, admittedly, most people will listen to your podcast rather than watch it, but there are some benefits to including video.

You can post the full video of your podcast on YouTube, that's going to help you potentially reach a bigger audience.

You can cut up the video of your podcast into short segments to give you some marketing clout on Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn. Ultimately that's probably the only real benefit to including a video component is just that extra marketing content that those video clips are going to allow you to have obviously you don't need to release your full podcast as a video you can choose to primarily release it as audio only on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc.

But ultimately the video won't matter if the audio quality isn't right.

And that's why at Podcast Studio Glasgow we emphasise that the audio quality of your podcast should be your first and foremost concern. That's why opting for a professional podcast recording studio from the outset could be a game changer because your podcast will consistently have good-quality audio.

Mark Hunter

Mark is the founder of Postable Limited and the co-founder of the Podcast Studio Glasgow. He became a pioneer of podcasting in 2005 and has worked extensively as a podcast producer, digital marketing consultant and content creator.


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