Scottish Comedians - Why YOU Need to Start a Podcast

Are you a comedian looking to expand your reach and make a name for yourself? Look no further than starting a podcast at the Podcast Studio Glasgow!

With a podcast, you can let your comedic voice shine in all its glory, with no need to censor yourself or worry about being "family-friendly."

Plus, with a podcast, you can reach a whole new audience. Imagine all the potential listeners you'll reach who may have never even been to a comedy club before. And let's not forget about the potential for sponsorships and collaborations. With a successful podcast, you could be the comedic voice of the next big snack food or beer company.


And what better place to record your podcast than the Podcast Studio Glasgow? Our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced team will ensure that your podcast sounds - and looks - like a million bucks (or at least a few hundred pounds).

photo of a white comedian performing in a club

Here are 5 tips from the Podcast Studio Glasgow on how your comedy career will benefit from having a podcast:

  1. Reach a wider audience: A podcast can help a comedian reach a wider audience beyond the people who attend their live shows. This can lead to more people becoming familiar with their material and style, which can in turn lead to more bookings.

  2. Establish yourself as an expert: A podcast can help a comedian establish themselves as an expert in their craft. By consistently delivering valuable content, a comedian can attract new fans and booking opportunities.

  3. Networking: Podcasting can also be a great way to network with other comedians and industry professionals. By inviting guests on your podcast, you can open yourself up to new opportunities and collaborations.

  4. Build a loyal fan base: Podcasting allows a comedian to build a relationship with their audience, as listeners tend to feel more connected to the hosts of podcasts they regularly listen to. By consistently delivering valuable content and building a rapport with your audience, you can establish yourself as someone whose comedy they can’t get enough of and who want to experience you performing live, with their friends.

  5. Use as a marketing tool: Podcasts can also be used as a marketing tool to promote upcoming live shows, tours, and other events. This can help drive ticket sales and increase bookings.



Overall, having a podcast can be an effective way for a comedian to expand their reach, establish themselves as an “best in the business”, or an act that can’t be missed, network with other comedians and industry professionals, build a loyal fan base, and use it as a marketing tool to increase bookings

So don't just be a comedian, be a comedic icon! Start a podcast at the Podcast Studio Glasgow today and watch your fan base (and your bank account) grow. Get in touch below.

Mark Hunter

Mark is the founder of Postable Limited and the co-founder of the Podcast Studio Glasgow. He became a pioneer of podcasting in 2005 and has worked extensively as a podcast producer, digital marketing consultant and content creator.

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